Figure Skater's Website

General Notes - Singles FS Tests (2003 Rulebook)

It is required that the Moves-in-the-Field test for a given level be taken and passed before the corresponding Free Skating test may be taken. (TR 26.01, TR 28.01))

Jumps done in combination will not satisfy the individual jump requirements.

It is desired that all required elements be completed without serious error . The skater may be allowed to "reskate" up to 2 elements of the test, when the judges determine that doing so might help the skater to pass the test. For more information on this, see Errors and Reskates.

In the absence of serious errors, the judge will evaluate the program, assessing the impact of any quality deductions or technical inadequacies and analyzing the skater's presentation. Note that the accomplishment of all required elements does not necessarily guarantee passing the test. The judge must determine if the program, when viewed as a whole, is strong enough to meet the standards for a passing test at that particular level.

Extra elements may be added to the program, but if the skater does not successfully complete all required elements the test will be failed regardless of the difficulty of the added elements.

The skater may elect to repeat required elements in the program. However, it is strongly urged that no more than one such repetition per required element be included. Excessive repetition may affect the mark for Technical Merit.

How the Freeskating Test will be Conducted

Freestyle tests are usually performed in front of a panel of 3 judges. The judges will be off ice. With the exception of the Pre-Preliminary and the Adult PreBronze test, all tests are full-ice programs skated to music. After a warmup period during which several skaters may skate, each skater will have the full use of the ice sheet for his or her test. (Note that in some cases, PrePreliminary and Preliminary tests may be judged by a single judge)

When the judges are ready, an announcer will call out the candidate's name and test level. The skater should then strike the beginning "pose" and the music will be started. Upon completion of the program, the skater should stay on the ice until dismissed by the judges. On occasion, the judges will ask the skater to repeat elements which may have been performed less than adequately during the program. These may be performed as individual elements without music. A maximum of two different elements may be retried in this manner, however, each may be retried only once.

When the skater is finished, the judges will complete the marking of their papers, which will be compiled and turned over to the Pro when all skaters in the group have finished.

At some test sessions, the Judges will do a "debrief" with the skater when the test is complete. They will explain the reasons for their marks -- what they liked, what needs some further practice.

PrePreliminary tests, and Adult PreBronze tests are composed of individual elements, not in a program. Usually, there will be several skaters taking this test on the same day. At test time, all candidates will be asked to line up on one side of the rink, near the judges. The judge in charge will usually introduce himself, then explain the test to the skaters. Then he will say, "Now we want to see your waltz jumps". The first skater should go out and perform a waltz jump, then return to the end of the line. When the judges are ready, they will ask the second skater to do his/her waltz jump, and so on until all skaters have completed the waltz jump. Then they will move on to the Salchow, and so on until all elements have been completed.

For all tests except Pre-Preliminary and Adult PreBronze, you will receive a numeric marking. This mark will be composed of two parts, one called Technical Merit, the other called Composition and Style or Presentation. Each part will be on a scale of 1-6, with 1 representing the least desirable performance and 6 representing perfection. The pre-printed test sheet will indicate a "Passing Average" and a "Passing Total" for that test. The "Passing Total" is simply twice as large as the "Passing Average", and is the number which your test marks must meet or exceed in order for you to "pass" the test. Each component may be individually higher or lower than the "passing average" so long as the total meets the required "passing total".

In the event of a final marking of "Retry", the skater must wait for a minimum of 28 days before retaking the test.

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