Figure Skater's Website

Camel Spin

The camel spin is achieved when the skater puts his or her body into the general shape of the letter “T”. One leg is skating; the other is extended behind the skater, parallel to the ice. The upper body leans forward, making a straight line with the freeleg. As with the other spins, the camel may be performed on either foot, being called a Camel (left foot) or a Back Camel (right foot).

In a camel spin the leg is extended "straight", with no bend. Most skaters have a slight arch to their back, and their face looks "forward", as shown in Carla's spin below.  Some skaters twist their torso slightly, so that they look to the side rather than forward.

Danette Uebbing / Garden City FSC
(double-click image to see video)
Carla Korte / Flint 4 Seasons FSC
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