Figure Skater's Website
Tri-States Council website

Tri-States Council Championship Series

Introduced in 2011, the Tri-States Council Championship series offers opportunities for skaters to compete in a series of competitions with consistent events and rules, and the opportunity to earn points towards season awards. This series includes events from the USFS Test Track program descriptions.

Season Points Standings (Thank you to Ginni Phillips for maintaining these lists)

News and Updates (click for more)

2025 Season Competitions

About the Series

Above you will find a list of Non Qualifying Competitions that are participating in the Tri-States Council Championship Series. Each of the Competitions will include all of the Test Track events as defined on the USFS website (in addition to other events). Skaters participating in the Test Track events will accumulate points towards a season total in the Series. These points will be tabulated by the Tri States Council and posted here on sk8stuff throughout the year.

Each year, at a special ceremony held during the Tri-States FS Competition, awards will be presented to the skaters earning the most season points for that season.

We will try to limit all flights to a maximum of 8 skaters. Season points are awarded in inverse order of placement (1st place = 8 pts, 2nd place = 7 pts, etc; if only 1 skater in event then 4 points are awarded). At the end of the series, in the case of total points tied, all skaters tied for a place will be awarded a medal - no ties will be broken.

For the inaugural season, we will be starting with Skate Indy in June 2011, and concluding with the Cleveland Invitational Championships in March 2012. Awards will be presented at the Tri-States FS compeition held in Fraser MI.

Most Important: There is no need for you to register for the Series. As soon as you compete in the first competition you will be added to the list of skaters participating. There is nothing for you to do but enter the appropriate competitions and compete. We wish you all good luck!!

Questions ??

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