Rules about Program Timing (2012)
The Rulebook lists the proper duration for all skating events in the rules section related to the particular program or event (i.e. the Senior FS and SP timings are defined in #4200 which is immediately preceding the element descriptions for the Senior programs).
Sections #4050 (general), 4913 (6.0), 1071C (IJS) contain the rules describing how the time requirements are interpreted.
Timing starts when the skater (or either partner in a
dance or pairs event) first begins to move or skate,
which is not always at the same time as the music
starts (#4050). Timing continues until skater comes to
a complete stop at the end of the program.
Short Programs (#4913; 1071C)
- The times specified for Short Programs and Adult FS are considered to be Maximum Allowed Times.
- There is no deduction or penalty for completing a Short Program in less time than the specified maximum, as long as all required elements are completed.
- Any element started after the permissible time will be considered in the marking as omitted (4051).
- If an element (like a long spin) starts within the allowed time, but continues beyond time, deductions are taken for overtime, but the element is counted as "skated" (not omitted).
- A deduction of 0.1 is taken from both marks for each 10 seconds in excess.
Long Programs, Original Dances, & Free Dances (#4914; 1071C)
- The times specified for Long Programs (freeskates), ODs and FDs are nominal times. The skater may complete the program within a window of 10 seconds plus-or-minus from the specified time with no deductions (note that adult freeskates are specified as not-to-exceed times, as covered above).
- For each 10 seconds (or portion thereof) longer or shorter than the permitted window, the judges will assess a 0.1 point deduction ON BOTH MARKS.
- If a program exceeds the nominal time by 10 seconds, the Referee will blow a whistle or signal the judges that the allowed time has elapsed. If the skater continues to skate, deductions will accumulate at the rate of 0.1 for each 10 seconds.
- A program 30 seconds or more short of the nominal time will receive no marks (4052).
For example, for a Junior ladies long program which is supposed to be 3m30s long