Figure Skater's Website

Errors and Reskates -- MIF (2003 Rulebook)

There are a variety of errors that detract from the "perfection" of an MIF test. The Rulebook describes MIF test errors in 3 broad categories. In order for a test to pass,

Serious Errors - Some errors are considered very serious, and their presence causes a required failure of the entire test. These are called "Serious Errors". Skaters may be given the opportunity to correct up to one "Serious Error" at the end of the test. This is called a "reskate", and is granted by the judges if, in their opinion the skater would otherwise be able to pass the test if that error were corrected.

The skater must complete all required elements of the test with no serious errors after reskate, or the test shall be marked "retry" (TR 20.02).

A test having a single (1) serious error may be granted a reskate by the judges for the purpose of correcting the serious error. This is done at the discretion of the judge-in-charge. Only 1 reskated element is permitted in a MIF test. (TR 23.01)

If an element is reskated, the reskate may consist of the entire element, or a portion of the element (TR 23.01A). For instance, on the Preliminary test "Consecutive Outside and Inside Spirals" element, if the sequence of outside spirals was ok, but the inside spiral sequence was weak, the skater could be asked to repeat the inside spirals sequence by itself.

The errors that are considered "Serious" on Moves-in-the-Field tests are as shown (TR 20.02A):

Mandatory Errors - These are errors that are critical, but do not require a reskate. Each Mandatory Error detected by the judges requires a 0.1 point deduction in the test score that would otherwise be granted. The errors listed as Mandatory are as shown (TR 20.02B):

Quality Errors - These are fairly minor errors. These errors typically cause a reduction in the marks for the element, but do not cause an automatic failure of the test as a whole. There are none specifically itemized in the Rulebook (TR 20.02).

Examples of some of the things that are considered to be Quality Errors include: focus elements not demonstrated, spirals less than "hip" height, power pulls slowing down during the "run", lack of control or stability during any move, noisy/scratchy/slidey edges, poor carriage or extension or toey pushes, and generally any element performed with poor technique.

Quality errors by themselves do not cause a mandatory failure of a test, but the reductions caused by the presence of multiple Quality Errors, or a single error consistently repeated on several elements can cause the total mark to fall below the test "passing average". Unlike "Serious Errors" though, reductions due to Quality Errors may be offset by strong performance in other aspects.

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