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Free Dance Test Elements

SRFD - Senior Free Dance Test

Lifts 4 different types of lifts (a 5th optional lift is permitted but not required and will be considered in presentation mark). A max of 2 long lifts (max 12 sec) is allowed, from (reverse rotational lift, serpentine lift, combination lift). Remaining lifts are selected from the list of short lifts (max 6 sec) (stationary lift, straight line lift, curve lift, rotational lift)
Spins 1 or 2 dance spins (but no more) selected from the following types
  • Spin: minimum 3 revs on one foot for each partner
  • Spin Combo: min 3 revs on one foot for each partner for each part of spin. Allowed up to one-half rotation on two feet while changing to the other foot simultaneously by each partner. If more than 1 spin is executed, the second must be different from the first.
Step Sequence 2 different types of sequence from the following list: (circular, midline, diagonal, serpentine, or not touching midline (w/o sequential twizzles)) fully covering the ice. The sequence should include a variety of steps and turns and must include brackets, counters, rockers, choctaws, and twizzles executed by both partners
Twizzles 1 or 2 sets (but no more) of synchronized twizzles, minimum 2 rev each twizzle by both partners. If more than one set is executed, the 2nd must be different than the 1st set.
Rulebook 2009 Rulebook / TR 54.05 // Passing Avg: 4.5 / Duration: 4m00s ±10s

JRFD - Junior Free Dance Test

Lifts 3 different types of lifts (but no more). A max of 1 long lift (max 12 sec) is allowed, from (reverse rotational lift, serpentine lift, combination lift). Remaining lifts are selected from the list of short lifts (max 6 sec) (stationary lift, straight line lift, curve lift, rotational lift)
Spins Max 1 dance spin selected from the following types
  • Spin: minimum 3 revs on one foot for each partner
  • Spin Combo: min 3 revs on one foot for each partner for each part of spin. Allowed up to one-half rotation on two feet while changing to the other foot simultaneously by each partner
Step Sequence 2 different types of sequence from the following list: (circular, midline, diagonal, serpentine, or not touching midline (w/o sequential twizzles)) fully covering the ice. The sequence should include a variety of steps and turns and must include brackets, counters, rockers, and choctaws executed by both partners
Twizzles One set of synchronized twizzles, minimum 2 rev each twizzle by both partners
Rulebook 2009 Rulebook / TR 54.04 // Passing Avg: 4.0/ Duration: 3m30s ±10s

NFD - Novice Free Dance Test

Lifts 3 different types of lifts (but no more). A max of 1 long lift (max 12 sec) is allowed, from (reverse rotational lift, serpentine lift, combination lift). Remaining lifts are selected from the list of short lifts (max 6 sec) (stationary lift, straight line lift, curve lift, rotational lift)
Spins Max 1 dance spin selected from the following types
  • Spin: minimum 3 revs on one foot for each partner
  • Spin Combo: min 3 revs on one foot for each partner for each part of spin. Allowed up to one-half rotation on two feet while changing to the other foot simultaneously by each partner
Step Sequence One sequence from the following list: (circular, midline, diagonal, serpentine) fully covering the ice. The sequence should include a variety of steps and turns and must include 3-turns, mohawks, brackets, and counters executed by both partners
Twizzles One synchronized twizzle, minimum 2 rev by both partners
Rulebook 2009 Rulebook / TR 54.03 // Passing Avg: 3.5 / Duration: 3m00s ±10s

IFD - Intermediate Free Dance Test

Lifts 2 different type of short lifts (but no more) (max 6 sec) from the following (stationary lift, straight line lift, curve lift, rotational lift). Long lifts of the following types are not allowed (reverse rotational lift, serpentine lift, combination lift)
Spins Max 1 dance spin selected from the following types
  • Spin: minimum 2 revs on one foot for each partner
  • Spin Combo: min 2 revs on one foot for each partner for each part of spin. Allowed up to one-half rotation on two feet while changing to the other foot simultaneously by each partner
Step Sequence One sequence from the following list: (circular, midline, and diagonal) fully covering the ice. The sequence should include a variety of steps and turns and must include 3-turns, mohawks, and brackets executed by both partners
Twizzles One synchronized twizzle, minimum 1 rev by both partners
Rulebook 2009 Rulebook / TR 54.02 // Passing Avg: 3.2 / Duration: 2m30s ±10s

JFD - Juvenile Free Dance Test

Lifts 1 to 2 different type of short lifts (but no more) (max 6 sec) from the following (stationary lift, straight line lift, curve lift, rotational lift). Long lifts of the following types are not allowed (reverse rotational lift, serpentine lift, combination lift)
Spins Max 1 dance spin selected from the following types
  • Spin: minimum 2 revs on one foot for each partner
  • Spin Combo: min 2 revs on one foot for each partner for each part of spin. Allowed up to one-half rotation on two feet while changing to the other foot simultaneously by each partner
Step Sequence One sequence from the following list: (circular, midline, and diagonal) fully covering the ice. The sequence should include a variety of steps and turns and must include 3-turns and mohawks executed by both partners
Twizzles One synchronized twizzle, minimum 1 rev by both partners
Rulebook 2009 Rulebook / TR 54.01 // Passing Avg: 3.0 / Duration: 2m15s ±10s
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